Hidden In Darkness Seen by His Light

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adult and child holding hands
A Poem By: Kevin Tyus – Nov 2018

Things that had happened and I didn’t know why, some really hurtful, others that made me cry.
Thing’s done in darkness, that made want to die. Why did I do them? I just can’t say why.

Deeds practiced in the dark of the spirit realm, I’m not on the job, just asleep at the helm.
Going aimlessly where the dark cold winds would blow, I threw away my oars I can’t even row.

Wait a minute you say you’re a child of the light, yea man I know … just don’t care to fight!
I find myself drowning in this hellish misery, ignoring the life preserver God had thrown to me.

Going under I cry out; Lord forgive me, don’t you care? Then I feel him lift me up and say, my child I Am always here!

Then at that moment, do I finally understand my plight, that all I did in darkness was seen by His light!