Hurting, Broken and Bruised

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  • Post category:Be Encouraged


By: Kevin Tyus 16 Nov 2018


Bruised, Hurt and Broken

Recently I was talking with a young lady, during the course of our conversation we got on the subject of the pains and trials of living.

As we shared our various stories of tribulation and of seeking our place of relevancy under the sun she stopped and looked at me and said you know “people are hurting, broken and bruised.”

That stuck with me! In my personal life I was going through things that were hurtful, some left me bruised others broken.

These life issues were back to back to back to back, wave after wave of bad, very bad, down-right bad, to just plain no words can describe bad! All the while on the inside I was feeling this pressure this need to run away, to get relief from these external troubles.

The words of that young lady would not leave my thoughts “people are hurting, broken and bruised.”

After a few days of her words echoing in my mind a particular scripture came to mind:

John 16:33 These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.

And I looked up the meaning of the word tribulation.

(Tribulation) G2347 θλίψις thlipsis (thlip’-sis) n. 1. pressure {literally or figuratively} (Mickelson)

In The World You Will Have Tribulation

So Jesus tells us that there will be these pressures, troubles, anguish in life. So how do we deal with pressures from work, school, family life, relationships, medical, financial that make us feel like we are going to implode or explode?

Jesus himself delivered the answer before and after he told what the issue would be. He provides us his peace, and power to overcome life’s issues through him!

I Have Overcome The World

Jesus, the eternal all knowing all seeing all powerful All Mighty God knows what we will go through. Jesus knows that we will experience mental anguish, physical pains, financial setbacks and broken relationships, however, he sets the scenarios up so that we win!

The Pros Vs, The No’s

It’s like a NFL all-star team playing a college championship team, oh it would be entertaining and the college team would give it their best shot and probably score a couple of points but the NFL team would win the game by a decidedly large margin.

Now the NFL team couldn’t win by just showing up and talking “smack” to the college team no! Nor could they regardless of their experience just go out on the field without a game plan and expect to win!

Listen Up to Win

The NFL team would have to listen to the coaches’ plan and execute it. They would get bumped, bruised and a few may get hurt but their will to win would not get broken! Their maturity, experience, discipline, trust and obedience to the coach would see them through to victory.

The Game Plan

Why? Because the coach developed a plan for overcoming the opposing team. He and the staff reviewed film, they find the strengths and weaknesses of both teams and develop a game plan to ensure victory.

The Coaching Staff

Listen, Jesus is our coach, his holy angles the staff. the difference between Jesus and a human coach is that Jesus knows every play the opposing team (Satan and the world system) will run when they will run it and how they will run it.

God Writes the Playbook

Not only that, but he took the additional step of limiting what and how much they can do! He wrote their play-book handed it to them and said here ya go.

Jesus The All-Time Winning Coach

Even though Coach Jesus won the championship of life over death, we must still go out and play the game and execute our plays exactly how the coach says!

You Can’t Win if You Don’t Play

We cannot win by standing on the sidelines talking about how good we are and how great the coaches’ game plan is! We have to play and get hurt, bruised, and perhaps suffer a broken bone or two.

All Powerful

Jesus, after raising himself from the dead declared; “all power in heaven and earth is given to me” that means he has no equal, no peer, no opposite, he alone is The Supreme God Almighty who said “I have overcome the world!”

You Can Overcome All Things

Listen, in Christ overcome your hurt, in Christ overcome your brokenness, in Christ overcome being bruised, lonely, depressed, sick, mad, hateful, greedy, prideful, lustful, unthankful and being unholy.

The Final Score

Get in the game, listen to and obey “Coach Jesus,” and he will lead you to victory and you will overcome even as he has overcome!
