Don’t Abide Alone

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Wheat From a Single Seed

John 12:24 NASB

24 Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit.

A seed must fall into the ground and die to produce fruit. If it doesn’t, it will be alone and be unproductive, but if it falls into good ground, cast off its outer hull or shell (its old life,) and dies to what it used to be, germinates, and becomes what it’s intended to be, a life-giver, it abides alone!

Every seed has the innate ability to give life; you are a human seed; you have been re-designed through Christ to produce eternal life, whether innately or by extension.

The life you have to give is the life of Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of Heaven that’s within you!

You cannot share or reproduce it until you die to fear, die to sorrow, die to your past mistakes, failures, sins, transgressions, iniquities, and your self-will!

When you die to self-will, you will bear much fruit for the Kingdom of God! Don’t abide alone; produce much fruit for God’s eternal kingdom!